SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION : CONTACT YOUR SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR FOR APPLICATION: DEADLINE TO SUBMIT IS : MARCH 14, 2025 Sons of Italy in America Amici d’ Italia Lodge 2791 Scholarship Introduction To: High School Seniors residing in Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, and Nassau Counties in Florida. Announcement: The Amici d’ Italia Lodge 2791 Jacksonville, Florida of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) is pleased to congratulate you on your rapidly approaching graduation from high school and your interest in furthering your education via a college or university. OSDIA is soliciting applications for several one-thousand-dollar scholarships to deserving studets with verified Italian familial lineage to promote the bachelor’s level of education. Historically, the Sons of Italy has awarded over fifty thousand dollars in scholarship funds to deserving students of Italian descent throughout Florida. In addition to our local and state scholarship programs, our national organization also awards numerous grants each year. Specifically, our National Leadership Grant Competition offers ten to thirteen merit-based general scholarships and one prestigious Henry Salvatori Scholarship ranging from four to twenty-five thousand dollars. For additional information regarding the National Leadership Grant Competition please visit the national Sons of Italy website at The information that follows is provided to assist you in developing and submitting your application for academic scholarship. Documents required for consideration include: Scholarship Eligibility Requirements Scholarship Checklist Certification with Signature Questions regarding the requested items must be directed to the OSDIA Scholarship Committee Chair: Ms. Lucy Giardino Cortese, Med 1701 The Greens Way Unit #1611 Jacksonville Beach, FL32250; 904.208.0032 The OSDIA Scholarship Committee looks forward to receiving and confirming receipt of your application. Award decisions are expected to be announced on Friday, April 4, 2025. Scholarship Eligibility Requirements It is the goal of the Order of the Sons of Italy in America to promote, enhance and encourage the study of Italian Heritage and Culture. This scholarship program is designed to benefit worthy students of Italian descent attending high school in the North Florida area who exhibit admirable qualities befitting the award of these scholarships. Emphasis is placed on the “whole student concept” to include scholarship, leadership, participation in local / community/church/athletic activities. In contrast to many scholarship awards, OSDIA awards are designed to recognize balanced overall excellence. Basic Criteria: Applicant must be a U.S. Citizen able to provide Italian family lineages. Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (not weighted) Scholarship recipients must be accepted as a full-time degree-seeking student of an accredited community college, college, or university and enroll immediately following graduation from high school excluding summer sessions. Finances: Scholarship funds will be released by the OSDIA Lodge Chairperson to the Bursar or Financial Aid Office of gaining institution upon receipt of both an acceptance letter from the institution together with correspondence indicating the awardee’s intent to register for classes. If there is a change of plan by the awardee, this recipient must immediately notify the Lodge Scholarship Chairperson so the funds may be transferred to the appropriate institution. Similarly, any unused funds in the account must be returned to the Amici d’ Italia Lodge 2791 Jacksonville Florida if the student terminates studies and does not transfer to a different institution. Exceptional circumstances may be considered in writing on a case-by-case basis by the OSDIA Scholarship Committee. Scholarship Application Checklist To be considered for an OSDIA Scholarship, the Lodge must receive a complete and accurate application by Friday, March 14, 2025. A complete application must include in an accurate, clear, and concise manner the following items: Personal Information Scholastic Information Official High School Transcripts (may include courses in progress) Copy of SAT or ACT scores A 300–500-word essay focused on the topics listed below: How has Hollywood influenced the stereotyping of Italian Americans How your Italian parents or grandparents inspired you to excellence What your Italian Heritage means to you. Personal Information Please type or print in the spaces provided. All parts must be fully and accurately completed and received by Friday, March 14, 2025, by Ms. Lucy Cortese, MEd to considered for scholarship. Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City/State: ___________________________________ Zip Code: _______________________ Telephone Number: Italian Heritage: Which of your relatives or ancestors were born or lived in Italy? In which year did each of them immigrate to the United States? Did they become U.S. citizens? Explain if they are related to you through your father or mother? Select up to two relatives. Please attach your response. Scholastic Information: High School Currently Attending: _________________________________________________ Alternatively, Home Schooled or GED: (brief elaborate) and Date of Anticipated Graduation _____________________________________ Transcripts and Scores: _____ (Please Check) Official Transcripts are included with application or have been independently transmitted. _____ (Please Check) SAT / ACT Scores Included. SAT Scores: Verbal_______ Math _________ ACT Composite Score*_________ *Applicants who do not supply official transcripts and scores by Friday, March 14, 2025, will not be considered for scholarship Essay: 300-500 Words . (Attach your submission as a Microsoft Word document.) Please title your topic from the list previously provided and preface your choice as to relevance and significance of the chosen topic.) Please attach your response. Additional Supporting Materials 1. List the community colleges and/or universities to which you have applied for admission. State which colleges/universities have confirmed acceptance to their institutions to date. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Are you currently or have you participated in dual high school/ college enrollment? Yes No (Circle one) If you circled yes on the previous question, what are the numbers of class or credits completed? ______________________________________ 3. Are you currently employed or were you previously employed while attending high school? If so, how many hours per week were you employed? Provide work supervisor’s contact information. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. List the extracurricular activities in which you have or are involved. Please include involvement in any sports teams, sponsored music programs (e.g. band or chorus), and any clubs, such as science, engineering, theater, etc. Indicate if you held an elected office in any organization, and, if so, what was your impact? Did you hold any student-body offices? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Briefly describe any volunteer work. How many hours per month did you donate? If you have provided volunteer services while in high school, please provide the name and contact for the individual(s) who supervised your volunteer services. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe some person, book, movement, historical figure, etc. that has inspired you during your four years of high school and why? (Exclude parents / relatives) Could be favorite or influential teacher. _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. What do you consider your strongest trait? _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Upon completion of your proposed college/university program of study, what do you wish to do either immediately or in the near future? e.g. graduate school, military, church, family needs.) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Certification with Signature: By my signature I certify that I am of Italian descent and intend to enroll as a full-time student in an accredited community college, college, or university upon graduation from high school. I understand that any unused portion of this scholarship will be returned to the Amici d' Italia Lodge, Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, if I cease attending classes and/or withdraw from school without immediately enrolling in another school. ________________________________________ _________________ (Applicant’s Signature) (Date)